Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster
Fachbereich: Biologie
Zugeordnete Branche: Life Sciences und Gesundheit
Zugeordnetes Fachgebiet: Biochemie | Genetik
Institut: Institut für Molekulare Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie
Ausgewählte Projekte
Cyanophycin is a polyamide, which is synthesized by many cyanobacteria and other bacteria as a storage compound for carbon, nitrogen and energy. Biochemical and physiological investigation of the biosynthesis of cyanophycin and the genetic characterization of cyanophycin biosynthesis genes in cyanobacteria, organotrophic microorganisms und recombinant bacterial strains is one focus of investigations in our laboratory. Employing these strains, cyanophycin production is investigated in pilot-plant bioreactors with volumes of up to 500 L.
Acetoin is a product of the fermentative metabolism of many prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms including species of the genus Bacillus. Detailed knowledge about the catabolism of acetoin was obtained from our studies on a diversity of acetoin-utilizing bacteria such as Pelobacter carbinolicus, Clostridium magnum, Ralstonia eutropha, Pseudomonas putida, and Bacillus subtilis.
Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster
Corrensstraße 3 | 48149 Münster
Tel. 0251 - 83 3 9823